Posted the four Russell Patterson originals I own on Facebook a few days ago.
And why not give this old blog some new life by posting them here too.
I have now removed the login to this blog from the sidebar. If you are interested in submitting art to this blog feel free to get in touch with me. The more Patterson art that can be shown here the better.
sekvenskonst / at / telia dot com
How do I post my 2 Russell Patterson oils?
If you want to mail me images of them I'd be happy to post them here! + if you have some text to go with them.
You can reach me at:
sekvenskonst /at/ telia . com
(Remove the spaces from the address when mailing.)
Looking forward to see them!
/Joakim Gunnarsson.
You own some really wonderful pieces! My favorites are the last two images. His blacks and white patterning is so amazing.
Thanks, MK!
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